Watch the Birdie!
The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2021
and Nature Day...
On Friday 29th January, pupils are having a break from the normal 'home learning' lessons and being encouraged to take part in an 'at home' Nature Day. The main focus is The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, the largest wildlife survey which takes place each year. The children will spend an hour counting the birds they see in their garden or on a walk around the village. They have been given identification charts and tally sheets and will then submit their results via the RSPB website.
There are lots of other fun activities for them to get involved with - baking animal or bird-themed cakes or biscuits; making a ladybird potato stamp or a creepy crawly collage out of natural materials; writing a poem; planting some seeds or going on a scavenger hunt to name but a few.
Plenty of ideas to get the children out in the fresh air and connecting with nature on their doorsteps.