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Communication channels and planned provision for remote learning between class teachers and parents/carers when remote learning is necessary.

You can expect that school staff working remotely during closure will be accessible via the remote learning communication tools within the hours of 9am and 3pm, Monday to Friday. We will endeavour to reply to general learning enquiries within each school day. Class teachers may have given specific times to be in touch with classes directly.

Planned Provision

In the event of a return to remote learning, we will be providing the children with regular access to the curriculum, in order to continue their education in the best way we can. The following provides details of what the children will be expected to complete at home for the duration of any closure. 

  • EYFS children will bring home an activity pack. Parents will be able to contact their child’s teacher directly using Class Dojo.

  • KS1 children will be set work on Purple Mash and Mathletics. They will be set at least one English and maths task a day, plus one other task, as well as reading with an adult. They may also be set a phonics task. They will also bring home a learning log style menu of offline tasks to complete. Parents will be able to contact their child’s teacher directly using Class Dojo.

  • LKS2 children will be set work on Purple Mash and Mathletics. They will be set at least one English and maths task a day, plus at least one other task. They should also be using Times Table Rockstars daily and Spelling Shed daily, as well as reading with an adult. They will also bring home a learning log style menu of offline tasks to complete. Parents will be able to contact their child’s teacher directly using Class Dojo.

  • UKS2 children will be set work via Google classroom. This may be a link to a Purple Mash task, work to complete in Google, or a Maths taks on Eevi. They will be set at least one maths and English task a day, and at least one other task. They should also be using Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed daily, as well as reading with an adult. They will also bring home a pack of  offline tasks to complete as directed by their teacher. Parents will be able to contact their child’s teacher directly using Class Dojo.

  • The AR system will be made available to children in KS2 to use during school hours so that they can continue to take quizzes. 

  • Year 5 and 6 children will be able to use Google Classroom throughout the day to communicate with their class teachers and peers, in order to ask questions, clarify work or ask for specific help with a task. The Google classroom chat area should be kept clear solely for this purpose for the duration of the school closure.

  • In order for Year 5 and 6 children to stay in contact with peers and discuss work, Google Chat will be made available for them to use, subject to relevant online safety teaching. Other children will be able to communicate with their teachers and peers using Purple Mash. Children can also communicate directly with their class teacher via Google Chat.

  • Each day, teachers will review the work that has been completed, comment on it, and return it to the children. 

We are looking at additional resources and possible ways of keeping learning going, and we will keep you up to date with any decisions going forward.