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Curriculum Overview Long Term Maps

Click the links below to look at our curriculum overview by subject.

As our school continues to grow we work flexibly with mixed age group classes to ensure each child experiences a rich and varied curriculum. The  content of our curriculum is taught in cycles throughout EY/KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2 where sequences of learning are carefully mapped within each academic year and where, at key milestones, the coherent design of prior learning builds towards pupils confidently getting better at each subject.

Within EYFS and KS1, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 follow a three-year rolling planning cycle. Topic plans draw together complementary curriculum elements from most subjects, such as History, Geography, Science, Art and DT; often literacy texts and genres follow the topic title too and maths also where appropriate.

Children in Key Stage 2 follow a two-year curriculum cycle. Lower Key Stage 2 have a two-year cycle which builds towards the Upper Key Stage 2 two-year cycle. Each cycle builds on the learning of the previous years with connection made across subjects as well as through subjects so the knowledge and skills they acquire are consolidated and support future learning.

Individual subject pages show more specific detail about the content of the taught curriculum.